Eye on the real causes of the death of Steve Jobs in October 2011

At 56 years old, Steve Jobs co-founded Apple in 1976, the inventor of the iPhone (smart phone the most famous in the world), the iPad (digital pad) and I-touch, was probably the one of the largest entrepreneur of the century.Community electronic digital computer and the Internet is deprived of a great partner for ever.After a period of strategic industrial disputes in 1985 with his business he gives up.Steve Jobs returns to the big house in 1997 with very revolutionary project that will make him a great visionary of the digital world no doubt.Unfortunately, in January 2009, Steve Jobs gives, through a statement posted on the Internet, information about his health, saying that her weight loss is due to both a disease of a "hormonal imbalance" and requiring treatment regime, in addition, at its traditional presentation of Apple products, this time in August 2009 with I-touch, Steve already told us his health problems: the gift of an organ received its fight against cancer , his poor health .... Indeed, for months Steve has undergone heavy chemotherapy and medical assistance.September 2010 at the launch of the iPhone, it appears very weak, physically diminished, because of chemotherapy treatment that would destroy the whole immune system. Until his recent resignation from the leadership of Apple in August 2011, Steve Jobs thought his fight to overcome, but he was betrayed by his doctors.
Obama, Sergey Brin, Larry Page (Google) Eric Schmidt (Microsoft) Zuckerberg (Facebook), paid him tribute strongly; Connectikpeople , by CEO and Founder: TAATJENE, we join the initiative to salute the memory of this great entrepreneur.
What is chemotherapy? :Chemotherapy is the use of chemicals to treat a disease. It is a treatment technique in its own right as well as surgery. The first known use of chemotherapy was in the use of quina bark by the Indians of Peru, in the treatment of fevers such as malaria.The father of modern chemotherapy is Paul Ehrlich, in whose laboratory in 1908, discovered the Hata Sahachiro arsphenamine, a compound of arsenic used to treat syphilis and trypanosomiasis.Today and in common parlance, the term "chemotherapy" is primarily used to refer to treatments against cancer .BY TAATJENE

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