
Showing posts from March 23, 2013

Dell has introduced Sharepoint via Dell Cloud: stakes and opportunity.

Les messageries Google Talk, Gmail ,Hangout, Voice, Messenger, Chat for Drive, etc bientôt unifiées.

Recent Reports of DHS-Themed Ransomware: to use caution in United State of America.

Darktable 1.2rcl henceforth available for the download.

Internet Census 2012 : une carte animée de l'Internet mondial à partir d'un botnet.

The Multifunctional Bathtub: an exclusive tilt function that allows you to save water when you take a soak.

HonestBaby for your iPhone to help modern parents with their babies

L’influence du digital sur le parcours client : Enjeux et Réalités.

Zeebox for iOS accommodates new update in version 2.11.1