
Showing posts from May 13, 2014

Visibility across the entire IT infrastructure to improve security and management: Dell KACE K1000 version 6.0, advices and stakes.

Health-tracking devices : avec Cue, mesurer sur le mobile votre taux de testostérone, vitamine D, la fertilité, la grippe et l’inflammation.

TomTom’s Global Speed Cameras Service and fleet management service in Spain: stakes and opportunities.

Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute, une solution cloud computing sans passer par l’Internet grand public : enjeux, réalités, défis et conseils

Hopscotch, Counsyl, iZettle, Talkspace, Wochit and AdSame can now accelerate their growth.

Here set of amazing Apps for Google Glass, susceptible to help you as a professionnal.

Marché de l’IaaS (Infrastructure as a service) aux Etats-Unis : acteurs clés, chiffres et prospectives.

Facial recognition software industry: NeoFace Monitor and DeepFace pave their way.