
Showing posts from January 30, 2014

Here is How African Businesses Can Overcome the Technology Adoption Gap.

MTN Business et MTN Cloud Services déconseillés par : voici pourquoi !.

Robust and affordable maritime communications: the real value of Thuraya via its Orion IP Maritime Broadband Terminal.

Better of use of data to inform design, customer interaction and business: the real value of IBM via IBM Interactive Experience.

Lenovo consolide son business modèle en réussissant là où les américains ont échoué : ce que l’américain lambda doit comprendre.

Startups funding: Rocketmiles, CloudLock, and Medium can now expand their activities and strengthening its technology.

With Motorola Mobility, Lenovo can gain a strong market presence in North America and Latin America, as well as in Western Europe.

The key ICT budget trends for European utilities for 2014 according to IDC.