
Showing posts from January 16, 2014

Web connected information systems and applications: the real value of Bull via Agarik.

Ce qu’apporte la nouvelle génération Wi-Fi aux utilisateurs et les fabricants de routeurs, de box ou encore de passerelles.

New IBM Study: here is why consumers are willing to share Personal Details, Expect Value in Return.

Lutte sur Internet contre les spams et la fraude : ce que vaut Google.

Un centre d'expertise en matière de télécoms : ce que vaut Alcatel-Lucent.

"The 2014 Mobilometer Tracker: Mobility, Security, and the Pressure In Between,".

Startup fundings: First Opinion, Washio, and Nextbit Systems can now expand into other markets and grow their enterprise business.

Security note: Cisco advisory to address multiple vulnerabilities in Cisco Secure Access Control System (ACS) available.

Cloud-gaming: the real value of Orange Group.