
Showing posts from September 30, 2013

Dear Sirs, here is how Evernote has improved its services bringing Evernote for Salesforce, and new Evernote Business 2.0.

Smarter data tools for public health: IBM and Johns Hopkins demonstrated new analytic measures.

Fermes pilotes hydroliennes : Alstom s'associe avec GDF SUEZ : enjeux et opportunité.

TechJobs in USA: GameStop, announced plans to hire approximately 17,000 employees nationwide.

Here is how Samsung has retimed our Tech attitude last week!

CEATEC JAPAN 2013: ‘’Magnetic materials are the core of TDK's next generation solutions’’.

Gas Turbine: Siemens builds on its SGT6-5000F gas turbine platform with a step change in NOx emissions.

Dear Lenovo lovers! Are you ready to buy this new smartphone line-up called Vibe?

Le succès de Samsung à l’international avec Galaxy bourre ses yeux de poutres : le Coréen cultive les germes de son futur échec.

Here is how the ASTRA 2E satellite launched today will serve Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Greentech in Africa: VEDASTE MBAYITA, créé "Pole Farming Technology’’ au Rwanda.

OPENPediatrics: ‘’the world’s first Cloud-based global education technology platform’’.