
Showing posts from December 9, 2013

Simplify Big Data Management and Storage: Colfax underscores Intel® Enterprise Edition for Lustre Software-based Appliance.

Open systems for software defined networking (SDN): Pica8 brings Software-Defined Networking Starter Kit.

User activity recording and auditing software: the real value of ObserveIT.

Whitepaper: Here is how Bull aims to help organizations manage their Data Centers in the face of new energy issues

Nucléaire civil et énergies renouvelables: ce que vaut AREVA en Chine et ce qu’il faut craindre pour le groupe français.

Wireless power supply applications: Toshiba TC7761WBG eliminates the need for an external microcontroller.

Cloud-based information hub: Here is why Norfolk County Council (UK) Selects HP Enterprise Services.

Startups fundings: Bloc, Clever and Box can now bolster their staff and their international expansion.

L'industrie des semi-conducteurs : le secteur a crû, entre 2012 et 2013, de 5,2% pour atteindre environ 315 milliards de dollars selon Gartner.

Enterprise-Grade Cloud Security to Protect Mobile Devices: the value of Mojave Networks is henceforth well known.