
Showing posts from June 3, 2014

Big data, cartographie, l'intelligence artificielle et le langage naturel : enjeux, défis, technologies et acteurs clés.

Startups and Ventures ecosystem: Fortscale, Concurrent and BitFury will extend R&D and accelerate production.

Simplify the way marketing teams store, organize and share digital content: Canto with its SaaS Solution Flight paves its way.

Explore the new types of challenges that CIOs are facing following the proliferation of cloud, Big Data, mobility, and social media.

Permettre aux e-commerçants de créer leur boutique en ligne sur la base de Drupal : ce que vaut réellement le français Commerce Guys.

Identify, evaluate and chose Big Data technologies: methodology, great benefits, approaches, advices and technologies.

With HealthKit and HomeKit Apple aims to revolutionize how people interact with their house and health industry.