
Showing posts from January 15, 2013

Convert your web site or blog, Facebook page, YouTube Channel into a BB10, PlayBook or BBOS App.

New update of Bistri: Opportunity around the Notifications

Webinar: build highly scalable database applications on Amazon Web Service: Stake and Opportunity.

Votre Galaxy S III, iPhone, Nokia Lumina ou Tout autre résistant à vie à l’eau, aux lipides et corrosifs.

Opportunités sur les Nouvelles Fonctionnalités de Google Chrome 25 version bêta.

New version of the Livestream for Producers mobile app: Stakes around Improved live video chat and comments performance.

Prise de contact et suivi des professionnels sur Viadeo: Enjeux et Opportunité autour du rachat de Pealk.

SAP approaches used for develop, and port their applications across BlackBerry environment.

Dell Retail has released ''Industry-Leading Solution'': an Opportunity to help Retailers move to the Cloud.