
Showing posts from February 15, 2014

La tablette Surface de Microsoft semble davantage appréciée par les professionnelles.

Startups funding: Blaze, Front Desk, and Cheyipai can now expand their services. appreciates the new rapprochement between Kroll Factual Data and Lending Manager: stakes and opportunities

VoIP services: ce que pense du rachat de Viber par Rakuten, le géant du e-commerce Japonais.

A new IBM Cybersecurity Framework can help critical infrastructure organizations. vous conseille le Programme d'essai Aamazon Web Service.

Wearable Wireless Device Shipments in 2013: ‘sports and healthcare functionality continues to dominate shipments’.

Warning: ‘Internet Explorer 10 Use-After-Free Vulnerability Being Actively Exploited In the Wild’.