
Showing posts from January 3, 2014

Startups fundings: Spredfast , Integral Ad Science, DNAnexus, peerTransfer and Didi Dache plan to expand internationally and improve their products.

Drivers, TomTom launches TomTom GO range in the United States and Canada.

According to ZTE, here is the Key Telecommunications and Enterprise Technology Trends in 2014.

Les stratégies autour et la course vers et pour la 4G s’étoffent progressivement.

Secure mobile enterprise apps: Here is why Webalo and Good Technology joined forces.

Guestpost: Top 10 Hacker Arrests in 2013

BlackBerry et le monde des entreprises : ce qu’il faut désormais retenir.

Whitepaper: The steps an organization must take in order to filter email attachments.

Deliver secure mobile programmes with Good Technology: CESG New Guidance paves its way.

Governance, Risk and Compliance Management: the real value of Virima Technologies.