
Showing posts from June 15, 2013

Huawei Launched the SoftCOM BIZ Program with the goal to help telecom operators.

Enjeux, état, évolution et chiffres du mobile en France : 2007- 2013.

Google project Loon: here is how LOON connects folks.

Google project Loon: here is how LOON is designed: equipment, solar panels, circuit, materials...

Google project Loon: Here is how LOON moves!

Google project Loon: let’s discover how it works!

Google Project Loon: Our series to help you learn more about this ambitious project.

Intelligence distribuée et la sécurisation des systèmes d’information : Alstom Grid et Intel trouve un accord de coopération.

MTN (Dubai) Limited, still optimistic after having been prequalified to compete for a telecommunications licence in Myanmar.

Sony's smart watches are now opened for developers: stakes and opportunities.