Measuring cloud performance in cloud-driven world.

In our cloud-driven world where, developing applications on the cloud is natural, where the performance and productivity, scalability and the flexibility are the most critical concerns, where new design patterns, tools, and providers emerge, measure cloud performance; in this context inter alia means:

  •  Evaluate cloud offerings beyond just looking at price or feature charts,

  •  Collect input from cloud providers, analysts, and experts,

  • Measure the end to end time to provision resources in the cloud, in addition to reporting on the most standard metrics of peak performance,

  • Get a transparent view of application throughput, latency, variance, and overhead,

  • Create a visualization tool, to help you interpret the results,

  • Release the source code under the ASLv2 license, making it easy for contributors to collaborate and maintain a balanced set of benchmarks, recommends a living benchmark framework, designed to evolve, that always measures the latest workloads so you can make informed decisions about what’s best for your infrastructure needs in real-time.

Google with its cloud performance benchmarking framework called PerfKit Benchmarker, and a visualization tool, called Perfkit Explorer pave their way in this vertical.

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