Docker Universal Control Plane 1.0 in our distributed-applications age

The real-time ability to manage applications in production is henceforth a game changer in our distributed-applications age where lapses and downtimes are not accepted.

In this conext, Docker Universal Control Plane 1.0 means:

  •  Agile self-service capabilities to deploy and manage applications,

  • Manage the simultaneous deployment of Dockerized applications on Docker hosts across multiple supported platforms, including bare metal, virtualized, private or public cloud,

  • Put IT operations in control of their own infrastructure,

  • On-premises, end-to-end commercial offering that delivers Containers as a Service (CaaS),

  •  Secure and manageable content through a self-service portal on programmable infrastructure to developers,

  •     Agility and control are both foundational capabilities,

  • A uniform provisioning workflow to create and allocate resources for compute, network, and storage in multiple public cloud providers, hybrid clouds or fully private data center environments,

  • Deploy and manage applications without requiring any knowledge about the underlying infrastructure, recalls that, Docker Universal Control Plane 1.0 integrates an array of Docker-native solutions including Docker Engine, Docker Swarm, and Docker Trusted Registry.

This integration aims to ensure that developers can continue to produce their Dockerized applications through their existing workflows without having to modify code as applications are promoted into production.

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