Using Buffer + Feedly together on web, iOS and Android: stakes and Opportunity.

Henceforth Buffer and Feedly pair up their efforts and technologies to deliver the best content they can on the web via iOS, Android App and the web version. In fact we talk about discovering and sharing content on mobile and on web version.

For those who unfamiliar, Feedly is the newsreading apps for
iOS, Android and web. It can sync across all your devices and lets you find and read content from across the web. Henceforth Buffer is available in Feedly across all platforms. The goal here ,is to make sharing content you find more spaced out and at a better time super easy and intuitive. The update to Feedly with Buffer also brings along a whole lot of other changes like:

  •  Use Feedly to find and organize the best content from the web

  • You can easily browse the top hits from sites like YouTube, Google News, The New York Times, Seth Godin’s blog etc.

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