Version 6.4 of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) henceforth, available on Amazon EC2: stakes and opportunities.

This news means that Version 6.4 of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is now available as an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for use on all EC2 instance types in all AWS Regions.   In addition, AMIs are available for 32 and 64-bit PVM (paravirtualized) and 64-bit HVM (hardware-assisted virtualization). This means you can now run RHEL on a wider variety of EC2 instance types
including the Cluster Compute (cc), High Memory Cluster Compute (cr), Cluster GPU (cg), High Storage (hs), and High I/O (hi) families (availability of instance types varies by Region).
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4 now also includes support for the popular CloudInit package. You can use CloudInit to customize your instances at boot time by using EC2's user data feature to pass an include file, a script, an Upstart job, a bootstrap hook to the instance. This mechanism can be used to create and modify files, install and configure packages, generate SSH keys, set the host name, and so forth.
More information can be found here! .

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