About Skencil , a Free Software interactive vector drawing appliction.
Skencil is a Free Software interactive vector drawing
appliction. Known to run on
GNU/Linux and other
UNIX-compatible systems, it is a flexible and
powerful tool for illustrations, diagrams and other
A somewhat unique (for a drawing program) feature of Skencil is that it is implemented almost completely in a very high-level, interpreted language, Python. Python is powerful, object-oriented and yet easy to use.
Just a few highlights about Skencil's features
A somewhat unique (for a drawing program) feature of Skencil is that it is implemented almost completely in a very high-level, interpreted language, Python. Python is powerful, object-oriented and yet easy to use.
Just a few highlights about Skencil's features
- Bézier Curves
- Transformed text and images
- Bézier curves, rectangles and ellipses can be used as guides
- Gradient fills
- Blend groups
- Writes EPS files
- Text along a path
- many more...
- Apart from the sources of Skencil, you need some
additional software. See the
download page for details
on what software and where you can get it.
For Skencil to work properly with transformed text, you also need an X-server capable of scaling and transforming fonts. (XFree86 does support this. Otherwise, you need X11R6 as far as I know).
Skencil currently supports only TrueColor visuals with depths of 15, 16, 24 or 32 bits and 8-bit PseudoColor visuals.BY TAATJENE