Learn more about The PFGrid-Toolkit provides fast and flexible widgets for SWT/JFace

The PFGrid-Toolkit provides fast and flexible widgets for SWT/JFace, especially an SWT-Grid-widget which allows TreeList- and Table-mode. The rendering is done by renderer-classes: XPTreeListRenderer, VistaTreeListRenderer and Office2007Renderer can be used out of the box, custom renderers can be implemented easily. The grid can be used as standalone library or as eclipse-plugin.

New features 1.1.4

  • Hyperlink cells:
    You can add Hyperlinks with default-display (link) very easily. Just add a column of type HyperlinkColumn and cells of type HyperlinkCell.

New features 1.1.3

  • Summary-row:
    With PFGrid.SWT you can display a summary-row at the bottom of the page. With this feature you can easily show SUM, MAX, MIN, AVG or custom summarized values.
  • Tooltips for cells:
    The PFGrid provides a Listener that fires when elements of the grid are hovered with the mouse. This listener can be used to display each kind of Tooltip you like.BY TAATJENE
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