Allow users to select from chunks of content to create their own books

SharedBook specializes in integrating and publishing data from a variety of sources through its own proprietary creation tools.
SharedBook's browser-enabled technology is used by:
  • major publishers to create personalized editions of new and classic books
  • online content providers to deliver added value and new revenue by repurposing existing assets into books
  • consumers to save, edit, and publish works from blogs and documents
  • government and public policy groups to provide open review and debate on documents and to retain a subsequent permanent record of such discussion
  • educators to create course packs from an unmatched breadth of content sources, complete with real-time copyright clearances
SharedBook's customization capabilities allow users to select from chunks of content to create their own books. SharedBook's Smart Button™ technology enables the assembly of a book in minutes by simply clicking a button on each Web page.BY TAATJENE

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