Provide any number of flags for nodes, comments, or users.

Flag is a flexible flagging system that is completely customizable by the administrator.
Flags may be per-user, meaning that each user can mark an item individually, or global, meaning that the item is either marked or it is not marked, and any user who changes that changes it for everyone.


  • Create unlimited arbitrary flags or bookmarks to flag content
  • Extensive Views integration to make lists of popular flagged content
  • Full support for Tokens in all messages and labels
  • Execute Actions when content is flagged past a certain threshold (Actions is now included in Drupal 6 core with no additional modules, requires 2.x version in Drupal 5)
  • Full Rules module integration
  • JavaScript based toggling of flags
  • Limit flag display by content type and roles
  • Optionally show each flag as a checkbox on the node form
Each flag provides data to the Views module, and provides a default view to list 'my bookmarks'. The default views are basic, but are easily tailored to whatever the system administrator would like them to TAATJENE

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