TECHNOLOGIE:Define a different theme for administration web pages
Drupal allows you to define a different theme for administration
pages (Administer -> Site configuration -> Administration theme).
By default this only applies to pages with a path starting with 'admin'
and content editing pages.
The Administration theme module allows you to use this theme on more pages like :
- batch processing pages
- devel node load and render pages
- coder code review pages
- pages you define yourself in the provided textarea
- batch processing pages
- devel node load and render pages
- coder code review pages
- pages you define yourself in the provided textarea
The Drupal 5 version adds the option "Use administration theme for content editing" available in Drupal 6 core.
Some of these options will only be available to you if they apply to
your installation, i.e. you have the module installed which generates
these pages.BY TAATJENE