Inside Cybersecurity in the Senate: time to take action via EFF in USA July 2012
We can't let that happen. When cybersecurity legislation is bad, it's really bad, bypassing existing privacy laws and siphoning your data into the government's hands without judicial oversight. It's so important that you call or write your Senators today. Urge them to safeguard your privacy and oppose amendments that would weaken these new protections.
Click here to find our action alert on S. 3414. Enter your zip code, and you'll have the chance to call or write your Senators directly. If you're able to, please call — the Senate needs to hear your voice.
Once you've made the call, please share this on Twitter, Facebook,, Google+, and your other social networking sites to ask your friends to join you. We need to get as many calls as possible today in order to let the Senate know that we won't stand for bills that sacrifice our civil liberties.
Thanks for all you do to help us defend digital rights,
Parker Higgins
Activism Team
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Activism Team
Electronic Frontier Foundation