Google+:Makes finding pictures of you easy and makes photos more social

Find my face :Makes finding pictures of you easy and makes photos more social. Find my face offers name tag suggestions so you, or people that you know, can quickly tag photos. Like any time someone tags you, you'll be able to accept or reject name tags created by people you know.
Here is how it works:
After you turn on Find my Face, Google+ uses the photos that you're tagged in to create a model of your face. The model updates as tags of you are added or removed and you can delete the entire face model at any time by turning off Find my Face.
If you turn on Find my Face, we can use your face model to make it easier to find photos of you. For example, we'll show a suggestion to tag you when you or someone that you know looks at a photo that matches your face model. Name tag suggestions by themselves do not change the sharing setting of photos or albums. However, when someone approves the suggestion to add a name tag, the photo and relevant album are shared with the person tagged.


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