Blackberry Tech Center UK: Stakes and Opportunities for Developers around its opened

October 15, 2012, Blackberry announces the opening  of its Blackberry Tech Center in UK. 
 The office opens its doors to developers. Located in Blackberry Slough office, the BlackBerry Tech Center will be open weekdays from 9AM – 5PM. The purpose is to offer a dedicated workspace for developers looking to create applications for BlackBerry® 10. Therefore BlackBerry announces that:”developer evangelist team will be on hand every day to provide expertise and guidance, with each day having a specific theme so that developers can attend on a day that guarantees the support that is most relevant to them’’. The global BlackBerry Tech Centers will also provide a space for a wider range of developer engagement activities, while serving as an open, collaborative forum for Blackberry developers to share their experiences developing for BlackBerry 10.
To the program :
Monday: Native/Cascades™/Qt
Tuesday: Android™ porting
Wednesday: BlackBerry® WebWorks™ and HTML 5
Thursday: iOS porting
Friday: Windows Phone porting
To register to attend the new center, click here:


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