Writing Command Line Applications with Ruby: Stakes and Opportunities around GLI and Formatador

 The strength and the beauty of programming language like Ruby are supported by its architecture: the famed Model, View, Controller (MVC). Therefore via the tools like GLI and Formatador with relative ease, we can get good results.
According to certain experts: ‘’Writing command line applications with ruby is a nice break from the web-based world. You can focus much more on the intent of the app than the aesthetic, so it might provide a useful way to prototype some data intensive applications.’’
Then it appears that, respect the design pattern of Model, View, Controller (MVC), keeps things nice and modularized; test all permutations of commands, switches, and flags as best you can. Always delegate to an object oriented API to keep everything testable. Document how you want to use the command line application first. If you are interested by a book, you can follow this link: Build Awesome Command-Line Applications in Ruby.


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