Top-five 2012 milestones for the BlackBerry Runtime for Android apps team: what we can learn!

2013 is already there. It is time to make introspection about the past 2012, correct what has been bad and prepare the future with serenity.
At the BlackBerry Runtime for Android apps team, they talk about Top-five 2012 milestones. In fact these milestones include: 
February 21st, that marks PlayBook 2.0 Release: Android developers henceforth had the opportunity to target a whole new platform with their pre-existing apps, by simply repackaging and signing them.

May 3rd, BlackBerry 10 Beta SDK Launch: this date marks: the released of BlackBerry 10 into its official developer beta program, updates of API support etc.

October 3rd, PlayBook 2.1 OS Update: we assist to the release an update of the BlackBerry Runtime for Android apps which coincided with the much anticipated PlayBook 2.1 OS update. Henceforth Android developers have the opportunity to utilize in-app billing, access to both the front and rear-facing cameras, and an improved end-user experience with each Android app running within its own window.

October 4th, Developer Experience Day: this date marks certainly the new approach to be able for the BlackBerry Runtime for Android apps team, to collaborate on how they can make the process even easier and accessible for developers to port their Android offerings to BlackBerry 10.

December 11th, BlackBerry 10 Gold SDK: the BlackBerry 10 SDKs reached their Gold release.

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