Transition from Youtube username to Google Account email address: stakes and Opportunities around the last corner.

The Developers team of Youtube is not satisfied by the cadence of the transition from Youtube username to Google Account email address. The team mentions that ,they are still many users of Youtube under ClientLogin. In fact ClientLogin has been officially deprecated since April 2012.
’Even though we’ve been recommending that developers switch to OAuth 2 for longer than that, we know there are still a good number of legacy applications out there that still rely on ClientLogin’’. Has declared the YouTube developers team.

Therefore, if you are a developer of such an application, there’s another thing that you (and your users) will need to start watching out for: at some point in the future, Youtube will start requiring that the username parameter passed to ClientLogin (i.e. what’s referred to as the Email= value in the
ClientLogin request) correspond to the full email address of the Google Account that’s associated with an underlying YouTube channel.
A date to stop supporting ClientLogin with YouTube usernames is not yet determined. But, Youtube recommend to developers to start encouraging their application’s users to start providing their Google Account email addresses instead of their YouTube usernames when logging in.

’Users who log in via the web interface, or who go through the AuthSub, OAuth 1, or OAuth 2 web authorization flows will soon be required to use their Google Account email address instead of their YouTube username as well. This web-based transition will take place well before we deprecate YouTube usernames for ClientLogin, and it should be transparent to developers since Google controls the user interface for these flows.
As mentioned, we’ll have a follow-up post in coming months with more details about exactly when we’ll stop supporting YouTube usernames with ClientLogin. That post will also communicate the exact error message that ClientLogin will return when a YouTube username is used. We’d like to close with one more plea: ClientLogin is deprecated, and is technically inferior to OAuth 2 in a number of important ways. Our new Google APIs client libraries provide first-class OAuth 2 integration that developers can take advantage of in their new code, or back port to their existing code. You will be doing your users a service and making their accounts more secure by transitioning from ClientLogin to OAuth 2
.’’ Has Indicated Youtube.


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