Bye, bye bitGAMER: Stakes and Opportunities around the shutting down.

We note progressively that it becomes more and more difficult to encourage illegal sharing and play the pirate role or lead the illegal activities on the internet.
Between repression and tracking, threats, all is done to hunt and track illegal activities on the web. So during 2012, we have assisted to the shutting down of several web sites or web platform which were dedicated to sharing music, video, film, game, short, all sorts of illegal files on the internet.

Among them: MegaUpload, Wikileaks, Hackulous,etc. And recently, bitGAMER.
Regarding bitGAMER, for those who unfamiliar, was one of the larger private BitTorrent trackers dedicated to sharing games of all sorts. In fact since January 1st, it is henceforth official. The web site reaches the end.
Let us read together the statement of the staff:
 We've reached the end of the ride. bitGAMER has been an amazingly fun ride, but all rides must come to an end.

For those who don't know, bitGAMER began as a small sister-site of
Underground Gamer. What started as a side-project of several UG staff members quickly grew into a 65,000 member behemoth with an identity all its own. Our small hobby project turned into something that went well beyond all of our dreams.

Of course, you all know that the legal climate has changed over the years, so we won't bore you with that stuff. More importantly, the founders are simply ready to move on with their lives. Running an immensely popular gaming tracker is rewarding, but it's also a very stressful, and often thankless, task. We hope that closing this door will open other doors in our lives, and that we can take all of the lessons we've learned from bitGAMER into the next phase of our lives.
The bitGAMER community has been incredible since the beginning. We want to take this moment to thank each and every member of the community who contributed in any way and allowed this community to thrive for so long

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