The Active System 800v, a Dell converged infrastructure: Process, Stakes and Opportunities

Let us learn more about this infrastructure with the help of Andrew Coleman from Dell.
‘’Dell converged infrastructure uses virtualization and converged traffic to enable a dynamic datacenter environment. The Active System 800v - the first Dell converged infrastructure solution - utilizes Datacenter Bridging (DCB) to converge network and storage traffic into a single fabric. With DCB and NPAR, this
converged traffic is then separated into four partitions in the case of Active System 800v. All three applications recommend VLANs for their management network, application network, and private application clustering network. With DCB, these VLANs exist on one partition for workload traffic, allowing for additional partitions for virtualization failover traffic, hypervisor management traffic, and storage traffic.
SharePoint utilizes a management network, a application communication network, and a private network for SQL replication, requiring three total VLANs on one partition. Lync requires a vlan for application communication and a private vlan for the F5 hardware load balancer. Exchange requires a public and a private vlan for its database communication. Of course, all three applications will need a route to the environment's domain controller and also paths to the end user clients that consume the e-mail, instant message, and content provided by these applications. Recently, Global Solutions Engineering updated The Reference Architecture booklets for Exchange, Lync, and SharePoint to include recommendations for supporting up to 5000 users on a converged infrastructure solution such as Active System 800v*.
When using DCB, hardware iSCSI with raw device mappings in VMware vSphere are recommended. With hardware iSCSI and Raw Device Mappings (RDMs), the preferred method of high availability depends upon each application. Lync uses SQL to store contacts and presence but still functions without access to its database. Therefore, with Lync, the SQL server uses VM high availability, requiring only one SQL server for its deployment. SharePoint functionality depends upon access to its database, so the solution recommends SQL mirroring with a primary SQL server that is mirrored to a secondary SQL server and a SQL witness server for arbitration. Exchange does not use a sql server, and instead utilizes its own database management system for e-mails. Following Exchange architecture, the solution suggests a database availability group of three virtual machines, each running a standalone mailbox server role. More detail into how to create raw device mappings will be provided in a later blog post. Overall, converged infrastructure provides a dynamic datacenter environment that can host a highly available installation of Exchange, Lync, or SharePoint.’’
*These reference architectures are separated and are not validated to co-exist on the same Active System, but can exist alongside other applications as long as performance requirements are met.

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