EasyPBI 2.0 henceforth available in the FreeBSD ports tree and as a PBI in the AppCafe.

 For those who unfamiliar, PC-BSD is a desktop operating system. It aims to offer more or less the stability and security that a BSD-based operating system can bring and also provides a comfortable user experience.
Henceforth we have the ability to check when the last time you updated your system ports tree was,
and to use portsnap (or svn if appropriate) to update it to the current version.
Now the module editor is a complete front-end to editing PBI modules. In fact previously, the editor allowed the user to view and change the most common options for PBI’s, and trying to use smart defaults for the rest. Henceforth, it makes all the settings and options for the module available to the user.
The new “Scripts” tab lets you read through or edit any custom installation scripts that might be in the module. The new functionality in the “XDG Entries” tab lets you view/edit any of the desktop/menu entries without having to guess what is inside based upon the file name as with the previous versions.
EasyPBI offers now the ability to package non-port programs in the PBI format. This means this option shift the burden of compiling the program and all its dependencies onto the user instead of using the FreeBSD ports framework. You can learn more here.

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