Haxe3 has accommodated new features to improve the programming language

Haxe3 your programming language which aims to be easy-to-use, henceforth has built-in new features.
The developers have focused their efforts on:
Abstract types: An abstract type is something that does not really exist at runtime, and is
typically represented there by another, non-abstract type. Haxe 3 allows fine-grained semantic definitions of an abstract type, including implicit casts, operator overloading and custom array access.
Array comprehension: The Array comprehension syntax of haxe 3 is focused on providing a concise mechanism of initializing Arrays, while still retaining readability, which is often neglected in other languages. The syntax revolves around already known for, while and if expressions inside a [ ] Array declaration.
  • Example:
·         // even numbers from 0 to 20
·         var a = [for (i in 0...21) if (i & 1 == 0) i];
·         trace(a); // [0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20]
·         // parts of a file path (using haxe.io.Path)
·         var path = "/top/bar/foo/File.hx";
·         var pathParts = [while ((path = haxe.io.Path.directory(path)) != "") path];
trace(pathParts); // [/top/bar/foo,/top/bar,/top]
Generic functions :Haxe 3 allows @:generic on function, which behaves exactly like it's equivalent on classes: The function is specialized for each type parameter combination, which can yield performance improvements on static platforms. As a bonus, the type parameters can be constructed if they are constrained to having a new function.
  • Example:
·             static function foo<T:{function new(s:String):Void;}>(t:T) {
·                 trace(Type.typeof(t)); // TClass([class String]) / TClass([class Template])
·                 return new T("foo");
·             }
·             static public function test() {
·                 var s = foo("foo");
·                 var t = foo(new haxe.Template("bar"));
·                 trace(s); // foo
·                 trace(t); // haxe.Template
Map :Haxe 2 provided map data structures for Int and String keys. With haxe 3 it is possible to use most objects as keys through a single, toplevel Map class. The generated code automatically uses data structures optimized for the chosen key type.
  • Example:
·         // String keys with Int values
·         var map = new Map();
·         map.set("foo", 99);
·         trace(map.get("foo")); // 99
·         // Int keys with Int values
·         var map = new Map();
·         map.set(6, 7);
·         trace(map.get(6)); // 7
·         // Object keys with function value
·         var http = new haxe.Http("haxe.org");
·         var map = new Map();
·         map.set(http, function() return "haxe.org");
trace(map.get(http)()); // haxe.org
Macro reification : While macro reification was around in haxe 2, it was lacking in some aspects and often required manual work. This was greatly improved in haxe 3, where macro reification is now very similar to String interpolation.
  • Example:
·         var e1 = macro 4; // A normal 4 constant
·         var e2 = macro $e1 + 2; // Binary operator 4 + 2;
·         // haxe 3 only from here on
·         var e3 = macro myFunc($a{[$e1, $e2]}); // a call to myFunc using 4 and 4 + 2 as arguments
·         var e4 = macro $p{["haxe", "Log", "trace"]}; // a path to haxe.Log.trace
·         var ident = "varName";
·         var e5 = macro trace($i{ident}); // a call to trace with identifier varName as argument
var e6 = macro $b{[e1,e2,e3,e4,e5]}; // a block of all the above
Pattern matching: While enums have been a powerful ADT data structure throughout haxe's existence, it was quite verbose to switch over them in order to query for deep information. Haxe 3 pattern matching comes to the rescue here, allowing not only switching over nested enums, but also structures and arrays.
  • Example:
·         var expr = macro someCall("1");
·         switch(expr.expr) {
·             case ECall({expr: EConst(CIdent("someCall")) }, [{expr: EConst(arg)}]):
·                 trace("Some call to: " +arg); // Some call to: CString(1)
·             case _:
·                 trace ("No match");

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