Google new website How Search Works: follow the search query, to crawling and indexing, to algorithmic ranking …

Following the release of an animated site in 2012 that illustrates an email's journey to friends and family around the world, Google is continuing its game of transparency. Henceforth since March 1, 2013, the internet users can be able to follow the entire life of a search query, from the web, to crawling and indexing, to algorithmic ranking and serving,
fighting webspam through a website called How Search Works.

The site includes resources like: a blog, the help center, user forums, Webmaster Tools, and research papers.

Therefore you can find and follow: An interactive, graphical explanation of Google Search, a view into major search algorithms and features, a 43-page document explaining how Google evaluates their results, a live slideshow of spam as Google removes it, the graphs illustrating the spam problem and how Google tries to fight it and finally a list of policies that explain when Google would remove

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