Henceforth FreeBSD 8.4-BETA1 is available for testing: known issues and features.
For those
unfamiliar FreeBSD is a free, open source operating system base on UNIX
and aims to be one of the most secure, versatile and safest O/S's available.
Since March 22, 2013 officially developers have announced the
availability of the first BETA build for the FreeBSD-8.4 release. ISO
images for the amd64, i386 and pc98 architectures are available on most of our
mirror sites.
However some known issues are present in this release:
1) Due to a change in sshd, sshd does not look for authorized_keys2 in
addition to authorized_keys. This will be fixed prior the next
2) Selecting 'All' on the 'Choose Distributions' screen attempts to
install a DEBUG kernel which is
not present in the image so the
installation will fail. Just select one of the other distributions
"Kern-Developer", "User", etc).
3) There is an accidental breakage in the OpenSSL ABI in this BETA
build that will be fixed before
the next test build. Applications
built against OpenSSL will need to
be rebuilt after upgrading to
8.4-BETA1. Additionally, any applications built on
8.4-BETA1 will
need to be rebuilt when upgrading
from -BETA1 to -RC1.
The freebsd-update(8) utility supports binary upgrades of i386 and amd64
systems running earlier FreeBSD releases.
Systems running 8.2-RELEASE or
8.3-RELEASE can upgrade as follows:
# freebsd-update upgrade -r 8.4-BETA1
During this process, FreeBSD Update may ask the user to help by merging
some configuration files or by confirming that the automatically performed
merging was done correctly.