14 Stunning Tips for jQuery Best Practices

S.Kaur  Software Developer (Senior) presents to us its 14 tips for jQurey Best Practices. She started software development about 4 years ago and has found time to share its experience.
According to him, jQuery is a great framework that readily and
easily extends what we can do with client-side coding routines.
Therefore in this article, she would be highlighting a few techniques that will give you a head start in effectively using the jQuery library.
However if familiar with jQuery, these simple tips would help you in using jQuery effectively and appropriately. She affirms.
The full Tips include:
Tip 1: Use Latest Version
Tip 2: Keep Selectors Simple
Tip 3: Cache your jQuery results
Tip 4: Using jQuery additional selectors
Tip 5: jQuery Objects can be used like Arrays
Tip 6: Checking if an element exists
Tip 7: Creating empty jQuery objects
Tip 8: Check Weight of Your Page
Tip 9: Turn your Code into a jQuery Plugin
Tip 10: Local Storage
Tip 11: Live Event Handlers
Tip 12: Cloning an object
Tip 13: Test if something is hidden
Tip 14: Finding Parent DIV using closest
The full item is available here!

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