Guestpost: 10 Python ebooks which may help you to lean python easily

Collected  by Leets Tips , we have here 10 free ebooks for python which contains lots of exercises, practices,with the goal to help you  lean python .
1. A Byte of Python
A Byte of Python is a beginner’s book on Python by Swaroop C H. “If all you know about computers is how to save text files, then this is the book for you,” the site says.
This book is perfect for any kind of python lover and beginner who wants an easy and progressing way of learning python. This one also comes under my personal recommendation.
2. Learn Python the Hard Way
Learn Python the Hard Way is a beginner’s programming book written by Zed Shaw. It was written for Python 2.6. “The Hard Way is Easier” is exactly what they have coded in their book and more they tell about it is : Have you always wanted to learn how to code but never thought you could? Are you looking to build a foundation for more complex coding? Do you want to challenge your brain in a new way? Then Learn Python the Hard Way is the book for you.
Read The Book
3. How to think like a computer scientist
This book gives you the practical overview relating the real life problems and how to solve them in python. If you really want your brain to do some work and start learning python the scientist way then you should go with this one. you may go slow with this book but you will end up being an hard core programmer in python.
4. The Python Tutorial
The official documentation are always best. Whether you follow some books or not this documentation is MUST to be opened in a browser while you learn python and/or you can have an offline copy of it. Download it form the site.
5. Think Python Think python will take you deep with awesome examples and make you work on it. This e-book tries to make readers practice each and every example they show up as they progresses and make use of it. You may also like to begin with this e-book. Download Think Python
6. Python 101 This document is a syllabus for a first course in Python programming. This course contains an introduction to the Python language, instruction in the important and commonly used features of the language,
7. Python Programming Python Programming is another WikiBooks guide to Python. It’s one of the texts of the MIT course mentioned above.
8. Python Standard Library This is seriously showing its age as it was originally written for Python 2.0. Although there’s updates they’re incomplete. Its still worth a look though to get a good idea of the Python core.
9. PLEAC Python Pleac Python like a rapid-fire Python Cookbook with short, concise examples of how to solve a variety of low-level problems. Form string manipulation to database access.
10. Text Processing in Python  I haven’t read it but I thought I’d add it for the sake of completeness.

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