iOS app: Twitterrific 5 for Twitter accommodates major Update in version 5.2.1.
New features includes: App badges for push notifications (enable in iOS Settings
> Notification Center); Notification count for replies, mentions & DM’s;
Favstar support (enable in Settings >
Other Services) and Twitter
trends (open Sidebar > Search > Tweets tab to view).
trends (open Sidebar > Search > Tweets tab to view).
Regarding the improvements, we have : Faster tweet loading time ; Support for Twitter stock symbols ($AAPL, etc) ; New tweet count stays on screen until the timeline is scrolled ; Home timeline auto-refreshes when posting a new tweet or DM ; VoiceOver now speaks hint text at the bottom of settings panel ; VoiceOver now speaks muffled tweet descriptions and so on.
And finally bug fixes brings : Muffled hash tags
are now case insensitive; Buttons in
settings are now easier to tap; Corrected display bugs during pull-to-refresh;
Fixed a bug that prevented Readability from turning off ; Tweets at the top of
the timeline are easier to swipe and so on.