iOS apps: Drafts updated in version 3.0 to capture and share text.

With the new version 3.0, the drafts list is now divided into Inbox, Archive and Pinned panes. This also means, when you complete actions you can move drafts to the Archive.
Regarding action Management and Backup, all action settings, custom actions, sort order, etc., can now be
backed up and restored on Dropbox via Settings.
Henceforth Evernote actions can create/append/prepend to notes in Evernote, including specific notebooks/tags and can optionally process Markdown text.
 With the Extended Keyboard you can swipe left or right on the toolbar while editing to access several panes of quick access keys.

Finally this new version brings a set of improvements including: email subjects/body, Dropbox file/folder names and templates, Evernote note templates, etc. Email actions now support multiple recipients in TO and CC fields, and have the ability to select from Contacts, and so on.

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