Build tools and apps for live content on YouTube: stakes in process

In this post, the the YouTube Live Streaming API Team aims to allow you more or less easily to build tools and apps for live content on YouTube.
Therefore to accomplish that, the YouTube Live Streaming API is your way.  This also means with the YouTube Live platform, you have the ability to real-time transcode to a range of video
qualities that support a broad set of devices and networks, dynamic bandwidth adjustment.
Now to start developing with live streams, here is what they have reserved for you:
  • The basics
A broadcast represents a live event that you'll stream on YouTube. The API lets you schedule a broadcast, bind it to your live video stream, and update its status to testing, live, or complete.
A stream represents the actual broadcast content.
A cuepoint represents an ad break that can be inserted into a live broadcast. Cuepoints are only available to YouTube content partners.
  • Documentation
The Getting Started guide explains these concepts in more detail and explains how they interact with other YouTube Data API and YouTube Content ID API resources.
The Life of a Broadcast guide walks you through the typical steps for creating and managing a live broadcast on YouTube.
The YouTube Live Streaming Guide identifies the encoder settings, bitrates, and resolutions that the YouTube Live Streaming platform supports.
  • Sample code and tools
Client libraries for many different programming languages can help you implement the YouTube Live Streaming API as well as many other Google APIs.
Don't write code from scratch! Our Java, PHP, and Python code samples will help you get started.
The APIs Explorer lets you try out sample calls before writing any code.

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