"Save to Drive", a new feature for Google Drive users: save what is relevant for you.

It is henceforth official, the “Save to Drive” button aims to be an easier way to save files directly from a website. This means that, if you find something relevant on the web, you can save it for later
reference or to share with friends in the future.
In addition if you have your own website, you can improve the experience for your site visitors by adding the “Save to Drive” button to your page using two easy lines of HTML.

You simply have to include the script and HTML tag below:

<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js"></script>
<div class="g-savetodrive"
 data-filename="My Statement.pdf"
 data-sitename="My Company Name"
You can also use the Save to Drive button’s JavaScript API, which allows programmatic and flexible control of the creation of Save to Drive buttons in your web pages.

‘’The Save to Drive button works in the context of the user’s browser. This allows your users to save files that could require some form of HTTP authorization , such as a session cookie , without any special customization from you. In most cases, the Save to Drive button should be simple to integrate, plug-and-play!’’ said Nicolas Garnier, Developer Relations.
To learn more, see
technical documentation.


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