Vancouver HTML5 Gaming Workshop and a Yeti Sunday, 26 May 2013 Vancouver, BC.

Presented by Vancouver Polyglot {Un}conference, Startup Weekend Vancouver and Microsoft Canada, in this workshop, its promoters aims to show how via demos you can use HTML5 to build games and interactive experiences today . This also means
how you can take those HTML5 games and migrate them to Windows 8. As speaker, we have:
Thomas Lewis, a Technical Evangelist at Microsoft, and regarding session abstracts, we have:  
 Creating an HTML5 Game: Overview
Learn about some of the great HTML5 games that are out there and how you can create your own.
 Creating an HTML5 Game: Components
Discuss game mechanics such as input, entities, sprites, animation, collision, sound and best practices for performance.
 Migrating an HTML5 Game to Windows 8
This session will show you how you can take an existing HTML5 app and migrate it to a Windows Store app.

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