Here is, Brand-Pit, the market research tool allowing brand managers to analyse photos posted engage fans and capture sales.

 On the internet, certainly people love share, comment photos and videos. According to Brand-Pit, a new Japanese startup, a good portion of these photos contain commercial branded products. Based on this reality, aims to the revolutionary market research tool allowing brand managers to analyze photos posted on the internet engage fans and capture sales. explains that, ‘’Everyday, people take photos of what they love and upload those to different social networks. A good portion of these photos contain commercial branded products. This user-uploaded photo help brands, spread the word
and is considered as one of the most efficient and low cost marketing method. However, at the moment, brand managers have no way to discover these fans, let alone to engage fans and boost loyalty. Brand managers are literally being left in the dark’’.
Henceforth, Brand Pit is going to change all that, this means, use image recognition and analysis technologies to identify brand logos and products in photos, and helps brands discover fans (age, gender and geographic)they have never known before.
In fact, you can use Brand-Pit to:
·  Discover hidden fans
·  Discover fans of your competitors
·  Discover opinion leaders
·  Discover popular and trending product photos
·  Find out who, when and where photos showing products of your brand were posted online
·  Identify which products are gaining traction
·  Discover what age group, what gender love your products most
·  Discover geolocation
·  Convert your offline fans into your social media fans.
·  Engage your fans by running UGC (user generated content) campaigns.

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