Now, with the latest version of the YouTube Data API, v3 , you can find the most relevant videos and channel.

As you can observe, because of the huge diversified number of videos released an available everyday on YouTube, progressively, it become too difficult for its users to find and enjoy relevant contents or channels.
Jeff Posnick, who is part of YouTube API Team, is aware of this situation. Therefore he has unveiled YouTube Data API, v3, to help find the
most relevant videos and channel.
In this dynamic, Connectikpeople has observed that, as a developers, if you have an OAuth 2 token for the current user, your application can make a call to youtube.activities.list(part=”snippet”, home=true) to get back a list of videos and channels similar to the recommendations that the user would see on the home page.

To find popular videos your users might want to watch, youtube.videos.list(part=”snippet”, chart=”mostPopular”) is the basic API call to use. By default, it will return a list of videos in any category that are considered popular globally. If this is too broad a list, though, you can narrow things down using the regionCode or videoCategoryId (or both) parameters. regionCode can be set to a two-letter country code to retrieve a list of videos popular in that specific country (though not every country is currently supported). videoCategoryId needs to be set to an ID corresponding to one of our existing video categories, you can retrieve a list of valid categories and their corresponding IDs via youtube.videoCategories.list(part=”snippet”, regionCode=”XX”), where “XX” is also a two-letter country code.

youtube.guideCategories.list(part=”snippet”, regionCode=”XX”) will return a list of all the channel categories that are available in a given country. Once a user has chosen a category, you can get back a list of the most relevant channels in that category via a call to youtube.channels.list(part=”snippet”, categoryId=”CATEGORY_ID”), where “CATEGORY_ID” is the ID of the guide category you’re interested in. At that point, you could display a list of the most recent videos associated with each channel, and give your users the option of subscribing.
‘’All of these examples assume that you’re using the latest version of the
YouTube Data API, v3. Developers still using the Data API v1 or v2 should be aware of some recent changes to our older content discovery mechanism, standard feeds. As explained in the documentation, all of the previous different types of standard feeds are now returning the equivalent of the most_popular feed, with the time parameter set to “today”. If you are still using v1 or v2, there’s no time like the present (time=”today”, if you will) to make the switch to v3’’. Said Jeff Posnick, YouTube API Team.

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