Amazon Web Service is making AWS Direct Connect more powerful and flexible.

Announced yesterday, this update includes: additional connection speeds, an updated console, and the ability to share virtual interfaces on a single connection between
multiple AWS accounts.
Regarding the additional Connection Speeds as of today, Amazon Web Service brings support for speeds of 50 to 500 Megabits per second. Connections of this type are available in all eleven of the AWS Direct Connect locations, and can be ordered through select members of the AWS Partner Network (APN).
Now the new Direct Connect Console to make it easier for you to manage your Connections and your Virtual Interfaces.
Finally, you can now create Virtual Interfaces for multiple AWS accounts on a single 1 Gigabit or 10 Gigabit Connection. This means, if you have VPCs owned by different AWS accounts, you can now create multiple Virtual Interfaces and share the underlying connection.

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