Huawei showcased key SoftCOM achievements and solutions: stakes and opportunities for carriers.
In the transport field, Huawei demonstrated its transport SDN prototype
running the virtual transport service platform and showed how Network on Demand
(NoD) services are provided on the prototype.
Connectikpeople has observed that, the virtual transport service platform
can provide users with multiple modeled virtual topologies through programmable
interfaces to meet on-demand virtual network service (such as NoD service) user
requirements in real time.
With network programmable and virtual technologies, the platform can help
carriers provide customized services and deploy value-added services
efficiently and flexibly.
The built-in intelligent Transport Path Engine (TPE) algorithm aims to ensure
dynamic network resource optimization and can help carriers increase network
throughput and reliability.
Connectikpeople may recall that, SoftCOM is billed as a future-oriented
end-to-end ICT network architecture based on concepts such as cloud computing,
SDN, NFV, and network openness. According to Huawei, It will help carriers
tackle the challenges posed by ICT integration and seize new market