Connectikpeople Supercomputings is henceforth there: stakes and opportunities for professionals or students.

Now available as another Tech resource, our Supercomputings rubric is a place where in real time we share, discuss, predict, comment, analyse, and report all about Supercomputings trends in terms of:

·        GPUs
·        Performance speed
·        Processors
·        CPUs
·        R&D
·        Latest trends from Graph500 and the TOP500 list
·        HPC (high-performance computing)
·        SuperWorkstation
·        HDD/SSD bays
·        Support for NVDIMM technology
·        Expandability and more.
We also work in collaboration with the Supercomputings and servers manufacturers, volunteers, students, universities to help them share their visions and technologies.
Among these manufacturers, we have: Appro, ASUS, Bull, Cray, Dell, Eurotech, HP, IBM, Inspur, SGI, Sugon, Supermicro ,Tyan and NVIDIA.
Now as student, professional, organization, government, agency, volunteer, university, manufacturer, this resource is for you.

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