Applications and IT infrastructure: here is why BMN signs strategic agreement with IBM.

Progressively, Connectikpeople observes that organizations like the banks are deeply immersed in unprecedented IT transformations, in terms of data flow, the access to centrally data and innovative technologies.

With this ten year agreement valued at approximately $300 million, Captured by Connectikpeople, we talk about the transformation and the optimization the bank’s IT infrastructure and applications.
This means, IBM will help BMN improve the efficiency and flexibility of its technology and provide major access to IT innovation to help reinforce BMN’s regional franchise and retail business. According to IBM, this will allow the bank to better focus on providing personal services to people who are self-employed and to
small companies.
IBM and BMN will create a new company which will provide application management, maintenance and consolidate its IT infrastructure.
BMN and IBM plan to develop a Banking Innovation Center which will join a network of IBM Banking Excellence Centers worldwide. This center will research transformation projects around mobility, big data, dynamic pricing, fraud management and risk management. 

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