Google Compute Engine is Generally Available (GA) and brings new features and lower prices: stakes and opportunities.

For those who are not familiar, Google Cloud Platform aims to give developers the flexibility to architect applications with both managed and unmanaged services that run on Google’s infrastructure.

With the overall availability of Google Compute Engine, henceforth, we talk about 24/7 support; a 99.95% monthly SLA ;
new features and lower prices for persistent disks and popular compute instances.

In the dynamic of improvements, now you can run
any out-of-the-box Linux distribution (including SELinux and CoreOS) or software you like, including Docker, FOG, xfs and aufs.
Google announced the support for SUSE and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (in Limited Preview) and FreeBSD.

Conneectikpeole has also captured:
·         transparent maintenance that aims to combine software and data center innovations with live migration technology to perform proactive maintenance while your virtual machines keep running.This means according to Google, you henceforth get all the benefits of regular updates and proactive maintenance without the downtime and reboots typically required.
·        Three new instance types in Limited Preview with up to 16 cores and 104 gigabytes of RAM,
·        The lower price of Persistent Disk by 60% per Gigabyte and dropping I/O charges ,
10% Lower Prices for Standard Instances
We’re also lowering prices on our most popular standard Compute Engine instances by 10% in all regions.

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