Dear developers, OpenCV ported to Google Chrome NaCl and PNaCl: stakes and opportunities.

This new milestone means that as from now, you can utilize and modify the code via Google Chrome NaCl and PNaCl.

If unfamiliar, recalls that, OpenCV(Open Source Computer Vision Library) is an open source computer vision and machine learning software library. This library was built to provide a common infrastructure for computer vision applications and to accelerate the use of machine perception in the commercial products. OpenCV makes it easy for businesses
to utilize and modify the code.

Regarding the Native Client (NaCl) , it is an open source technology for running compiled C/C++ code inside Google Chrome, enabling developers to run a binary file inside a browser tab in all Google Chrome supported OSes, having one binary per architecture. also recalls that, besides providing a sandbox for good processes, it maintains similar to native code performance. NaCl uses Pepper to communicate with the hosting browser and get access to system-level functions, including files and OpenGL ES 2.0

Portable Native Client (PNaCl) extends that model by compiling C/C++ for a portable intermediate representation, meaning that a single binary, a .pexe, can run in all OSes and platforms without modification.
For more details about modification OpenCV code for NaCl support, you can visit:

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