Intel Cloud Builder : here is, five-step guide that can help virtualized organizations launch a self-service cloud.

As an organization or a company, this is essential to keep in mind that; the private cloud can offer the benefits of speed, agility and efficiency while keeping control over proprietary workloads.
Based on this reality, has captured the following five-step guide that can help virtualized organizations launch a self-service cloud:
1.     Formulate a strategy: Obtain support from management by getting clear about desired benefits, approach and expected return on investment. Be sure to:
  • Define all implementation phases, including incremental goals for delivering services.
  • Identify the workloads that would move to the cloud.
  • Define the components of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS, as well as security and disaster recovery.
  • Discuss how users will access the cloud and how that will be integrated with mobile strategy.
  • Determine how the cloud will be maintained and monitored.
  • Make clear how IT will partner with business units to provide meaningful services.
2.     Manage changes in business processes: IT must collaborate with managers across the organization to accurately determine what processes and tasks will be affected. These changes are pervasive in cloud implementations and must be handled for a project to reach a successful end.
3.     Organize IT around service delivery: As the cloud-service broker, IT should weigh user need against available delivery options. This way, organizational risk is reduced while resource utilization is improved. Users get the right solutions to meet their needs.
4.     Put the right technology in place: The cloud cannot succeed without the right technology priorities described in the initial cloud strategy. Short-term priorities typically include implementing virtualization to integrate compute, storage, network and physical resources. Many organizations then offer IaaS by implementing on-demand self-service capabilities.
5.     Manage a data-driven cloud: End-to-end monitoring of the environment is essential for cloud management. IT should ensure it is collecting data and analytics in order to measure system service availability, efficiencies and success. The ability to measure overall third-party service-level agreements is also critical if the business wants to offer externally hosted cloud services.
For more information, you can visit the web page for Intel Cloud Builder, a cross-industry initiative that’s specifically geared to make it easier for organizations to build, enhance and operate cloud infrastructure.

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