New IBM Study: here is why consumers are willing to share Personal Details, Expect Value in Return.
Beyond the security stakes, the proliferation of mobiles devices generates progressively the unmatched realities, assets and opportunities for owners and industries.
In this survey captured by
it appeared clearly that consumers are willing to
share their personal information with retailers, particularly if they get good
value in exchange. Meaning that, details about themselves and privacy can be scarified
if there are, good values in
According to the new IBM survey of more than 30,000 global consumers released at the 2014 National Retail
Federation convention (#NRF14), the percentage of consumers willing to share
their current location via GPS with retailers nearly doubled year-over-year to
36 percent. Thirty-eight percent of consumers would provide their mobile number
for the purpose of receiving text messages and 32 percent would share their
social handles with retailers. observes that, consumers simply expect to be able to use
their technology in all aspects of their life, including how they shop. IBM’s
study found that the five most important omnichannel capabilities to consumers
are, in order:
· Price consistency across shopping channels;
· Ability to ship items that are out of stock in the store
directly to their home;
· Option to track the status of an order;
· Consistent product assortment across channels; and
· Ability to return online purchases in the store.
The same survey found that consumers fall into four distinct groups differentiated
by their interest in and use of social, location and mobile technologies while
shopping. 19 percent of consumers surveyed lag behind the majority of the
population when it came to using technology to shop. Another 40 percent of
shoppers use social, location and mobile technologies for information
gathering, but are not likely to use them to purchase products. 29 percent use
social, location and mobile much more extensively, for everything from
researching products to ordering goods. 12 percent of consumers surveyed
are classified as “Trailblazers,” those who use these technologies across
channels and base their choice of retailer on whether they make that possible.
‘’The IBM study anticipates that most consumers currently using
technology to research and shop will only increase their usage. Trailblazers
also represent a desirable demographic. They have a higher income level, are
more optimistic about the future, plan to spend more in 2014 and are very
socially engaged’’. IBM recommends retailers serve Trailblazers to stay